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[group sell]
Area TorontoYorkPeelDurhamOther
Type of Property
Condominium ApartmentCondominium TownhouseLoftTownhouseSemi-detached houseDetached houseOther
Price Range 0 - $399K400K - 499K500K - 599K600K - 699K700K - 799K800K - 899K900K - 999K1mil+
Bedrooms 12344+
Washrooms 12344+
Parking 12344+
[group buy]
Have you been pre-qualified for a mortgage? YesNo
[group leaseout]
Price Range ($/month) 0 - $999$1,000 - $1,999$2,000 - $2,999$3,000 - 3,999$4,000 - $4,999$5,000+
Have you obtained a full credit report in the last three months? YesNo
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